Covid-19 Navigator Prototype

The visual map dynamically generates a visualization of Covid-19 Navigator Artifacts.

One navigates through the map by clicking on the label of an object. The map then dynamically redraws itself with that object as the center of the display. A text box in the upper right corner lists the objects that are related to the selected node.

The shapes have the following usage:

  • The rectangle is simply the root of the diagram
  • The squares are Intended Audience
  • The triangles are Care Settings
  • The orange circles are Care Processes
  • The stars are Subjects
  • The ellipses are Asset Types
  • The pink circles are Assets

Additional navigation features:

  • Position the mouse on an object shape (not its text label) to drag the object along the canvas. This is useful to uncover objects that are covered by other objects if the map gets cluttered.
  • Click and hold the mouse on the background to drag the entire canvas.
  • Use the scroll button on the mouse or the browser's "zoom" feature to zoom the canvas in and out.
  • Use the browser's "find" function to search for a particular text label on the canvas. Remember that text may not be visible on the canvas (may require zooming out), or can become covered by other objects and appears in the text box in the upper right corner as well.
  • There is a node list report.

June 15, 2020